WebGP Examples

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Latest feature - renderStep fragment shaders

Normally a default point is rendered by the default fragment shader attached to your renderStep, but you can now override the fragment shader with your own and do stunning graphics like those found at the www.Shadertoy.com website. Here's a few of the Shadertoy scripts driven by WebGP. The examples below create a two triangle vertex array with 6 points (to draw a rectangle) and then sends it through a fragment shader to show how you can even use this library to do cool graphics using WebGP with WebGL2.

and one more thing...

How about an experimental shader viewport manager? This lets you run multiple real time shaders in independent 'windows' in the WebGL canvas. A single WebGP VertexComputer is used to process all the viewports and sizing and moving in parallel so there is very low overhead. At the top left is a + button to add more toys. The controls are designed to be intuitive so figure it out.